These factors promote and stimulate the combination of machine tools and automatic lines for the continuous development of technology. 这些因素有力地推动和激励了组合机床和自动线技术的不断发展。
It explains vista on straight line motor be applied to CNC combination machine tool and traditional machining way supply thinking to manufacture NC machine tool. 以筒型直线-旋转混合型异步电机钻动力头和组合刀具的应用实例,说明了直线电机在CNC组合机床上的应用前景。
Combination of machine tool has many advantages: high efficiency high accuracy and low cost. 组合机床具有许多长处:效率高、精度高、成本低。
This thesis mainly elucidates the basic process and requirements that design of the combination machine. 本论文主要说明组合机床设计的基本过程及要求。
The fiber separating water-wash naphtha combination machine has high efficiency, large throughput, better product quality and can save human and non human sources. 纤维分离水洗渍油联合机效率高,产量大,产品质量好,节约人力物力。
Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion. 未来主义时期艺术的突出特点是机器法则、立方主义与运动机械的组合。
Most popular, widely useful combination machine. 最流行的,广泛的有用的组合机。
This machine has two kinds of common, spindle box combination machine tools and turn tower combination machine tools. 这类机床常见的有两种,可换主轴箱式组合机床和转塔式组合机床。
Our company is specialized in producing special combination of machine tool manufacturers. 我公司是专业生产专用组合机床的厂家。
Feeding Device of Combination Machine with Circular Cutter for Cutting Plate 圆刀切板联合机的落料装置
A New-Type Equipment of Die Processing& "Turret Milling-EDM" NC Combination Machine Tool 硬质合金模加工工艺的改进炮塔铣-电火花数控成型组合机
The innovative design of spindle box for 16 hole combination drilling machine resolves above problems. 为此,从企业实际需求出发,在全面分析被加工零件的基础上,指出现有设备的不足,并对16孔单工位组合钻床主轴箱进行创新设计,解决了上述问题。
Design and Implementation of Combination Machine Project CAD System 组合机床总体方案CAD系统的设计与实现
This thesis targets to discuss an application of combination with machine visual technology, machinery technology and NC technology in the R& D of machine for PCB manufacture. 本课题旨在将机器视觉技术结合机械制造技术和数控加工技术应用于PCB制造机器的设计研发之中,从而可以提高PCB的加工效率和精度,降低生产成本。
The feeding device of a circular cutter combination machine for cutting plate is introduced, its structural characteristic and forming principle are stressed. 介绍了一种圆刀切板联合机的落料装置,着重阐述了其结构特点及成形原理。
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new type of 16 hole single working position combination drilling machine. 根据实际需要,研制出了16孔单工位组合钻床。
The key technology in the application of Right-Angle Shear or combination machine is to cut the sheet with optimal part nesting, this may be one of new research projects in sheet metal industry. 数控直角剪或数控冲剪复合机床应用中,零件直角排样优化是技术关键,是目前钣金制造业及钣金CAD/CAM研究的新课题。
The novel necking and curling combination machine is a kind of combination equipment for can_body forming. 缩颈翻边组合机是对马口铁空罐罐身的一端或两端进行缩颈与翻边的一种组合设备。
Improvement of polyester staple aftertreatment combination machine driving method 涤纶短纤维后处理联合机传动方式的改进
The fundamental concept, system structure and system performance of expert system soft-ware development for stack-up hydraulic system of combination machine tool are introduced by this article. 本文介绍组合机床叠加式液压系统设计专家系统软件开发的基本思路、系统结构以及系统的功能。
Applying the PLC in the Spotting Hydraulic Presses, which enhances the reliability and anti-interference greatly, buildups the position control accuracy, promotes the spotting quality, realizes the combination of machine, hydraulic and electronics. 将PLC应用于研配液压机系统的控制,极大的提高了系统的可靠性和抗干扰能力,同时也增强了位控精度,很好的提升了研配质量,实现了机电液的有机结合。
Combination machine tools are main equipment in batch and great quantity production. In the 20 th century, the mass production produced a lot of the developed country on industry. 组合机床是大批大量生产类型的主要设备。在20世纪,大规模生产造就了一大批工业发达国家;
Aiming at the technological requirements of tractor wheel hub threading, the electrical and hydraulic control parts for tapping unit combination machine tool were designed. 针对拖拉机轮毂的攻丝工艺的要求,设计了组合攻丝机床的电气与液压控制部分。
New textile printing technology requires that textile printing combination machine becomes a more complex MIMO controlled object with multiple long delays. 新的印染工艺要求使印染联合机成为多输入多输出的并具有多个大滞后的控制对象。
The combination of machine learning and intrusion detection improves the performance of intrusion detection and promotes the development of intrusion detection. Thirdly, this thesis focused on intrusion detection based on clustering technology for the in-depth study. 入侵检测与机器学习的结合,大大地弥补了前者的不足,提高了检测的性能,促进了入侵检测技术的发展。然后,本文着重对基于聚类的入侵检测技术进行了深入研究。
The implementation of this system lay the foundation for CAE and CAM of Combination Machine Tools Spindles Box designing, and also has a guide and reference for overall design of the combination machine tools. 本系统的实现为组合机床主轴箱设计的CAE和CAM奠定基础,且对组合机床整体设计也具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。
On this basis, the computer vision subject has been developed grounded on the combination of machine vision and biological vision. 在此基础上,人们发展了将机器视觉和生物视觉相结合的计算机视觉学科。
Analysis of the power station during operation theory of the existence of the resonance source. ( 3) As the main unit and the support system, the structure of combination machine pier stiffness and strength of stability is very important. 分析该电站在运行过程中理论存在的共振源。(3)作为机组的主要支撑体系,机墩组合结构的刚度和强度对机组的稳定性很重要。
The basic idea is to combine expert system and CAD modeling technology into an organic unity, create an Intelligent Design System of Combination Machine Tools by the secondary development on the basis of the mature CAD/ CAM software. 其基本思想是将专家系统和CAD建模技术等有机结合,在成熟的CAD/CAM软件基础上进行二次开发,创建组合机床智能设计应用软件系统。